The following presentations have associated blog posts and/or lecture notes as a pdf. I love learning and conversing about these topics with health professionals, fitness professionals, and civic organizations. Please let me know if you have an interest in me speaking to your group.
- Back Pain Workshop – 2 Things You Must Know
- Building Low Back Durability
- The Art and Science of Treatment Selection (for health professionals)
- Functional Movement Screening (for health professionals)
- Functional Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Cervical Spine (PDF for health professionals)
- The 7 Step Movement Prep– prioritizing your exercise warm up
- Overcoming Stress (PDF)
- Rehabilitative Management of TMD (PDF for health professionals)
- Secondary Headache Disorders: a substance or its withdrawal and alteration of homeostasis (PDF for health professionals)
- Using Chiropractic for Conservative Treatment of Mechanical Pain Syndromes (PDF for health professionals)